British Values

British Values at St Werburgh’s Catholic Primary School

Schools have a duty to ‘create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.'

At St Werburgh’s Catholic Primary School British Values and Gospel Values are at the heart of our mission and purpose to educate the whole child.


As our pupils progress through the school our curriculum emphasises many aspects of democracy.

Pupils vote to elect the members of the school council

In early years, our pupils vote for the story that they will hear each day.
In year 4 our pupils learn about Ancient Greece, the founding civilisation of democracy.
In year 6 they study the World War II and learn how Britain stood up to safeguard freedom and democracy.
As a school we value our individuality and uniqueness and know that we have the right to choose.

Rule of Law

Our school behaviour policy is based on three key rules:

Be safe, be respectful and be ready to learn.
All members of our school community know and model our rules. In this way, every child knows the standard of behaviour that we expect in our school.
The school manages behaviour very positively and our main principle is ‘consistent kindness’, ensuring that everybody maintains their dignity – even at difficult times.

Individual Liberty

We take collective responsibility to ensure that individual liberties are respected.
We support all learners to achieve their full potential and ensure that they are able to overcome any barriers to learning.
We have a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities which pupils can attend.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Be respectful is one of our three school rules. We expect all members of the school community – staff, pupils, parents and governors – to be respectful of one another at all times. We are an extremely diverse school community and we hold our individual uniqueness in high regard as we are all made in the likeness of God.

All pupils have the right to feel loved, safe and valued and this demonstrated in both our curriculum and pastoral support for our pupils and their families.